
Age Juurikas, one of the most original pianists in Estonia, who unites German and Russian traditions in her technique. She stands out with her bold choice of repertoire and narrative programs. She is also a devoted pedagogue who has students both in the Estonian Academy of Theatre and Music as well as in the MUBA (the former Tallinn Music High School). She has performed both with solo concerts as well as in chamber orchestras with several well-known Estonian and foreign interpreters nearly everywhere in Europe and North America and performed as soloist with many orchestras, among others the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra, Tallinn Chamber Orchestra, Latvian National Symphony Orchestra, Lithuanian National Symphony Orchestra and the Ukrainian National Academic Symphonic Orchestra. She has worked in close cooperation with renowned conductors like Neeme Järvi, Kaspars Putniņš, Arvo Volmer, Risto Joost, Kaspar Mänd and many others.

Age Juurikas has been awarded with many top prizes both in Estonian and several international competitions (Vainiunas Competition in Vilnius, Competition/Festival CON BRIO presented by Eesti Kontsert, “Arthur Rubinstein in memoriam” Competition in Bydgoszcz, Estonian National Piano Competition etc) She has also deserved several reputable acknowledgement prizes in Estonia, such as “Neeme Järvi prize” in 2003 and Annual Prize of Foundation Estonian Culture Capital” in 2014. Her debut solo album “The Soul of Fire” received the chamber music prize of Estonian Annual Music Awards. Pianist Age Juurikas began her music studies at the Tallinn Music High School at the age of 4,graduating from Toivo Nahkur’s class of 1998. She continued her studies at the Estonian Academy of Music under the guidance of Peep Lassmann and Toivo Nahkur, graduating in 2004. In 2000–2001 Age studied at the Sibelius Academy, Finland, under the supervision of the professors Matti Raekallio and Liisa Pohjola, and in 2002–2003, at the University of Music in Karlsruhe, instructed by Prof. Kalle Randalu. During the years 2003-2007 she studied at the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory under the supervision by Vera Gornostayeva and her assistants Sergei Glavatskihh, Darja Petrova and Maksim Philippov.

Professor Matti Reimann has also played and important role in Age`s education as one of her important teachers and advisors. Age Juurikas has established herself as a pianist with bold and extensive scope of repertoire and all her concert projects contain a well-finished narrative. As an interpreter she is fascinated with challenges, often experiencing new music and cooperating with several composers. Planning her concerts she has often tried to go upstream, not to be stuck with the framework of well-played classic works but to find her own way of interpretation. In her repertoire there is always room for fresh and less-known music. She has participated in several large-scope modern music projects, such as Grisey “Vortex temporum”, Stockhausen “Mantra” and several others.

She is also the first performer of Toivo Tulev´s piano concert “Nada”, a large-scale solo piece “Augmentations” and Tatjana Kozlova-Johannes´is piano concert “Blow your house down” in Estonia. Age Juurikas has recorded in the Estonian National Broadcasting archives all the piano preludes by Mart Saar as well as piano works by Skriabin and Albéniz, but also newer Estonian chamber and piano music, performed in different collectives. Since 2018 is Age an artist, represented by ERP.